Wednesday, September 30, 2009

work on redocnE

I've finished the code for redocnE, and now am debugging. Robbie is helping me out, and right now my biggest problem is with turning a (properly formatted) string into a dictionary. I'm trying to use exec() to get it, and have been getting a syntax error. I actually think that, while I'm interested at home, I may work on it a bit there. if so, results soon. I would upload the code now, but I can't figure out how to do that with blogger, so I'll only worry about then when I really have something to upload


1 comment:

  1. I'll never have an objection to you learning to program by hacking on a well written, already existing one... that is the single best way to learn the craft.

    Please make extensive use of hyptertext references. While it is nice that you included the URL of the project in your blog, it would be even nicer if we could click on it to go there.
